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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX News  January 19, 2013 10:30am-11:00am EST

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person is. up 20%, don't be catfished. >> brenda: todd, bull or bear. >> i'm a bear, i like yahoo! they're gaining market share. >> brenda: you don't have to go on google. search for the best business block on tv because it continues in three, two, one. one... >> all right. the latest message from unions, kids, take a hike. is it any wonder some are telling union workers to do the same. welcome, i'm neil cavuto and fox on top of union barking the base, and new york city bus driver training 150,000 kids, and boeing engineers union, threatening to strike, not good timing, and the dreamliner keeps striking out. apparently also striking out union jobs. a new report showing nonunion manufacturing jobs jumping by 700,000, between 2010 and
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2012. but the number of unions factory jobs, falling by 60,000, so, if the jobs are falling, and the unions latest actions, really helping? >> charles payne, dagen mcdowell, adam lashinsky, charlie gasperino, charles, what do you have. >> the numbers, you need a symbiotic relationship, for manufacturing, for instance, that's a long-term commitment. you don't want to stay it's going to take me five years to make it up, the unions walk out, have a strike, shake you down. and i think that's the big problem. the unions just only care about the unions. >> what do you make, dagen, of the fact that we had the right to work states seeing activity hiring soar? >> i think that's evidence of the kind of growth that right to work states produce. and a lot of this is the flexibility of work rules.
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that when you're really locked into what employees can do if you're a unionize the company, if not though, we're in very volatile times, economically. so when if business begins to wane a little bit. that you have greater flexibility, as a business operator to modify when people work, what jobs they do, if you're a union shop. you cannot do that. so, that's another reason to not unionize. >> neil: those are pretty stark numbers. >> and some of the highest unemployment in the nation is in the right to work state. south carolina, high unemployment. and not a total one for one correlation. in the tough economy-- >> but the union job growth much. >> i'm going to stick to topic, but i don't want people to think because it's a right to work state. i'm telling you, it's not. and for a guy that's been at a couple of protests and strikes, my dad was a union guy i'm a big supporter of unions, particularly private sector unions, not public sector unions.
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>> neil: that's the point on the message, is why we have a stark correlation between non-- nonunion factory jobs growing, and union factory jobs. >> in a tough economy those jobs pay more than the $3 an hour you get when you're a nonunion worker and those jobs get cut first. >> neil: adam, what do you think of that. >> well, i don't think it's any shocker, first of all, that as we've already been saying that there's been a shift. this shift has been going on for a long time. and we could, at some point we'll stick a fork in the unions because clearly, they're dwindling. having said that, there's also no shock that these organizations are going to act in their self-interest. we could do whole shows on other sectors of the economy that do in their best interest, washington, wall street, i don't know, television broadcasters. we shouldn't expect anything, but the union to try to get the deal for their employees.
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>> neil: if they're not doing that, okay, and i don't know where you took that conversation, but they're not doing that and again, that declines in jobs, then if you don't have to be, you know, warner von braun to try to want to build another option. >> it's not to say that they're not getting results, by the way. they're not getting enough results or getting the best results. >> neil: and 60,000 fewer jobs versus 700,000 for nonunion factory jobs. >> they may be competing for a smaller piece of the pie, but you know, tell the union employees who have better contracts as a result of the negotiations that their leadership has done, you know, they shouldn't try so hard. >> neil: charles payne what, do you think. >> adam says they're-- they are getting results, but they're terrible results and it's -- listen. >> neil: what are these terrible pay backs and the price to be had, to charlie's point that the jobs you gain are cheaper paying jobs.
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>> i think it was camden, new jersey last year, they had an opportunity, the unions did, to create the package with the city that would have allowed more rookie cops, but instead they protected the pay of the senior guys. >> those are public sector unions. >> those are public sector unions to your point. but my point is though, that if these unions aren't smart enough to understand that sometimes it takes a little bit of sacrifice upfront-- >> and they're-- they see themselves by striking -- you basically have the entire population of new york city, thanks for stranded our kids, and with the school bus, the driver's strike and also look at hostess. who put hostess out of business, right? it's being liquidated now, it was a-- >> you know, a lot of that is the management. >> it's always a combination, always a combination. >> let me say this, do you think that they're serving their pr well, when they do strike in the city and leave 50,000, you know, handicapped kids wanting for a ride or threaten to strike in the
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middle of the dreamliner nightmare. they seem tone deaf at least in that regard? >> and by the way, they all operate independently, i don't think there's just one person at the top of the private-public sector union scale saying don't do this. they do in their self-interest and-- >> well, they take their cues-- >> i think the n.r.a. shot themselves, a ridiculous metaphor, for some of its recently. they're independent unions and feel they have to do this. >> you think it's tone deaf, but the folks that reach out and say we justifiably need this, this is about justice and doing this and hurting their cause, aren't they? >> what else do they have. >> neil: what do you think of that, adam, what else do they have? >> that's been my point. i mean, they're fighting for a dwindling share here. so, the alternative-- >> by ticking everybody off, right? >> no, by the way, charles said that they need to make sacrifices. unions have made sacrifices over and over. if you look at concessions
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they've made in the auto industry, for example, they've made concessions, they've worked-- >> adam, adam. >> they're doing pretty well. >> adam, they make concessions after too late. in other words, they didn't make the concessions as the thing was falling apart. after all the wheels have come off, then they say, hey, by the way-- >> that is a perfect example. the auto industry, the private sector union overstepping and destroying a business. and you know, if it wasn't for the largest of government, you know, they would have to give back a lot more, pre-packaged bankruptcy. it's a lot like hostess, there's no one cause of the demise of any of these companies or industries. the american auto industry did not decline solely because of the unions. >> yeah but those come on-- >> huge reasons and-- >> the hostess' problems, a huge part of that was the unions. put it this way, the pr by some of these union moves like this school bus drivers strike have been so bad they should be asking lance armstrong for
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advice. that's how bad it is. >> that's bad. >> what's worse the pr for the unions in new york city, the bus-- or the n.r.a.'s pr? >> no, let's compare that to the teachers strike, the teachers strike is-- >> the n.r.a., which is attacking president obama for, you know, for having guards around his kids. is that worse than what they are doing, they're fighting for a wage. >> he just drove the car in the ditch. >> he doesn't care. but i (laughter) i want you to take a look at this. >> this is a great organization, great tradition, great history, he's enthusiastic. forward thinking and a team-builder, bottom line, he's a true leader. >> neil: these guys aren't charged up for the new football coach for the san diego charger, they're charged over-- they're charged up for the inauguration, and go to fox
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news and switch over to fox business, and we're going to have a drinking game. every time you hear the word swear-- a long day. but up next, call the doctor for the media. a major supporter for the the president's health care law hosting a forum how journalism, ie, gasperino, should be covering the health care law. we report you must decide. uhh, actually... eddie continues singing: to tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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>> we're live from america's news headquarters, hi, i'm jamie colby. you know the controversial airport scanners that leave nothing to the imagination, they're being scrapped by the t st. a. the agency saying the scanners that use a low dose x-ray will be gone by june because the company that makes them can't fix the privacy issues, the government initially stepped up its use of the body scanners after a man snuck explosives on to a flight bound for detroit that happened on christmas day in 2009. and the crisis averted in washington over the debt
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ceiling standoff, at least for now. house republicans expected to vote on wednesday, to raise the debt limit for another three months. the g.o.p. says the move would give both chambers of congress time to pass a federal budget. if one isn't passed they'll try to prevent members of congress from getting paid. i'm jamie colby, i'll send you back to cavuto on business. see new 30 minutes. >> well, doctor, doctor, give me the news, and a private efficacy group in support of the health care laws is now hosting a tax section with journalists on the best way to cover the president's health care law, offering what they're calling specialized education in health care reporting. charlie gasperino. >> i can't wait to sign up, dude. (laughter) >> isn't that weird and that anyone would sign up for, i'm sorry we got it wrong. >> any, any journalists that signs up for this should be
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thrown out of the industry immediately and taking-- i'm trying to take it seriously. it's so stupid it's unbelievable. i'm going to pass this to adam. >> adam, what-- (laughter) >> i'm going to try to explain. part of this they think there's bad report ong this because the reporters don't know what's in the law and they want to give them the straight skinny right from the folks who wrote it. what do you make of that? >> normally, on journalistic issues charlie and i are in lockstep. i disagree with you, if you're a reporter covering the intricacies of this extremely complicated legislation and regulation, you have nothing to lose by going to a forum hosted by advocates. >> how about getting brain washed. >> brain washed? >> adam with all due respects. >> let me finish my point. >> neil: let adam finish the point, go ahead. >> you go into the room, you know the people are advocates for it and they're for it it and explain why it's a good
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thing. >> can you imagine george bush-- >> and you learn. >> can you imagine george bush having a symposium, why it's-- on how to cover the iraq war or something? this is so-- >>, but the administration did try it clarify that all the evidence it had at the time showed there were weapons of mass destruction, and meeting with forums of journalists trying to make clear there wasn't-- >> and a hostile thing and-- >> is there any difference here, charles payne? >> there is a difference because i happen to think that when they go into the room that adam is talking about, not only the presenters will be advocates and so will the participants. >> the secret service agents and-- >> media, because they're in with obama, and we've come so far, every magazine, every newspaper i see, they've come out of the chos set on anti-capitalism, anti-republican, anti-god. they were the-- >> no, no, adam.
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>> and it's so bad. >> a lot of this is part of being a journalist, you have to know if you're being spun. how many times has-- >> how many times, i don't know, there are plenty of really good journalists out there, the lance armstrong thing, how many times did adam, charlie, some pr guy-- >> and why on health care. >> neil: let her say it. >> let me finish before i backhand you. >> please do. >> neil: let her say it! >> go ahead, dagen. >> we've gotten the phone call or the e-mail saying let me take you to coffee and now the person has an agenda. so, if you go in there, as long as you know that. >> and that's a huge difference between a private one-on-one with a source. >> which is a little more-- >> which is so much better than going to a-- >> i wasn't talking about-- >> if somebody wants to meet with me privately and tell me stuff that's a good thing. if you want to put me in a room with a munch of journalists and teach me about health care, that's
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propaganda. >> you know, you would go. >> i would not go, because i don't have time in the day to go. >> you know why you would go, if it was egregious you would do a story on it, how laughable it was. >> maybe, maybe. >> neil: charles payne, would you go. >> i wouldn't go. i think that most of these guys-- >> what do you think a weekend business show on it? >> after this, no. >> neil: i'm beginning to think-- >> why do you need to go to the stupid thing to learn about the law? >> talking to charles. >> it's out there. >> you think it's a waste of time? >> come on. >> listen, honestly i think they're going to-- >> that's the funniest thing, the devils advocate is funny here. >> neil: i'd need more than coffee. >> and i'm glad you said that, not me. >> need a little bit on the arm. >> neil: and a good idea like on the same page, apparently, apparently, the president's health care law doesn't go far enough.
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it's kind of like doing the shimmer, the floor wax and a dessert topping. and now, some democrats are pushing some complete government-run health care to reduce the debt. i kid you not. the forbes gang on top of all of that at the top of the hour. up next, here, did coke cave to the food police? why the anti-obesity ad is stirring a think fat debate. do the companies need to do this or do people need to take responsibility for themselves? . >> give us a super squish, one made entirely out of syrup. >> an all syrup super squishy? such a thing has never been done. >> just make it happen. >> oh, oh, dear.
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>> coming up, think about trying to diet. the message from coke's anti-obesity ad campaign. someone here says the message is flat and it's time for
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>> >> many of our beverages have low or no calories and over the last years has helped across the industry products in the u.s. by about 22%. we've created smaller portion control sizes for our most popular drinks and have them at about 90% of the country by the end of this year. >> neil: i don't know about you, but if i want the full calorie version i'm not getting a small. that's the thing.
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that was part of the new anti-obesity ad from coke. charles, you're not. >> coke doesn't make you fat. mcdonald's don't make you fat. guns don't commit crimes. >> neil: guns make you-- >> and cars don't run red light, it's about people, people, people, people, and we've got-- >> the people. >> because you can't control yourself maybe we can high pressure you out and give you a little can. the bottom line. >> neil: i think do protest too much. >> people get addicted to heroin and-- >> by the way, i like the ad. >> full disclosure, my brother-in-law, sold vitamin water to coca-cola and one of the principals at vitamin water. and it's a crummy drink, filled with sugar. they make vitamin water zero now, get out of town. >> and the point to make the
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decision-- >> your point though i don't think is right. like this ad because coke is stepping up to say, listen, you know what, all calories count. it's not just sugary sodas that make people fat and trying to be their own spokesman instead of letting mayor bloomberg do it for them. >> neil: i didn't mind that aspect. it reminded people, the food police to remind them as much as we're vilified. we have plenty of choices, go for the sugary coke, adam 0-the zero water, i'm drowning in water, whatever the hell it is. but-- >> should charles be embracing this ad? it's a good example of the upside of capitalism. the down side is that there's sugary drinks, it's a nice drink, but people drink too much of it and the pendulum swung too far in one direction and the food police and others say, too much of this is bad for you and coke said, you know what? you're right. we're going to remind people.
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>> neil: they didn't say you're right. they didn't say you're right. i love you dearly, they didn't say get off my back and we'll get you water. >> and people out there can buy two instead of-- >> did you see the little can? when i see that can, now we-- it's that big and and i will say this, we should talk about the food police. think about why mayor bloomberg is doing what he did with the container sizes. new york city had socialized medicine and think of the health problems among people that go to the city hospital, my brother was in the emergency room in one of those in bellevue and over weight and in bad health and-- >> and going to be subsidizing-- >> and doesn't drink any crap. >> and charlie, the problem with the whole thing, you give people food stamps, wic, welfare and let them buy soda with it and worry about them going to the hospital 40 years
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later. >> neil: and dagen, real quick. >> finally coke is defending itself and saying, hey, don't just look at us. >> neil: you're the wrong person. we need to talk to someone fat-- i want to thank dagen, want to thank charlie. and even with a strong market more people actually pulling money out of mutual funds last year. and now our gang has the pick, no matter what happens. what are you doing? nothing. are you stealing our daughter's school supplies and taking them to work? no, i was just looking for my stapler and my... this thing. i save money by using fedex ground and buy my own supplies. that's a great idea. i'm going to go... we got clients in today. [ male announcer ] save on ground shipping at fedex office. of green giant vegetables
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i think adam is right. >> how would you play? >> young people are drinking coffee in droves. it might be better . i like joes . etf x. coffee is big thing this year. >> it


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